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Deb Desouza


Deb is a skilled Fertility Nurse, who brings a diverse range of expertise to her role at Eve Health, having worked in neurology, theatre, and Post Anaesthesia Care Units (PACU). This experience has provided Deb with valuable knowledge and insight to better support her fertility patients.


Becoming a Fertility Nurse was a dream come true for Deb, as it allowed her to work alongside women, providing support, education, and guidance in reproductive health and fertility. Deb finds it very rewarding to help couples achieve their goal of pregnancy. Witnessing the joy of meeting their beautiful babies and the impact she can have on the lives of her patients brings her immense fulfillment.


Deb acknowledges the challenges of her work. Receiving suboptimal outcomes can be emotionally challenging, but she finds strength in re-motivating couples to stay positive and persevere for the next cycle. Her compassionate nature and ability to provide support during difficult times make her an invaluable asset to her patients.


In her free time, Deb finds joy in cooking for her family. Her Indian heritage influences her culinary interests, and she takes pleasure in teaching her children about her culture and exploring different cuisines from all over India. She also loves having a dance party with her children while in the kitchen.


Deb consults at our Boundary Court rooms on Level 1.