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Samantha Costa

BN, BMid, GradCertMid

Samantha has completed a Bachelor or Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery and a Graduate Certificate in Midwifery. Samantha has 8 years’ experience working across all continuums of women’s health and maternity care here in Brisbane at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and the Mater Mothers’ Hospital. Broadening her horizons, Samantha left Brisbane to work within the rural/remote network in Far North Queensland, predominantly in Indigenous communities, where she completed her studies to become a Medicare Eligible Midwife. 

Since her return to Brisbane, Samantha has worked alongside many of Brisbane’s fertility specialists. Working with the Eve Health fertility team, Samantha provides constant support and day-to-day advice throughout patients’ treatment journey with Eve Health.  

Samantha has a passion for delivering a high standard of care to all aspects of a woman’s journey here at Eve Health and strives to make every patient’s journey as easy and seamless as possible understanding that everyone who comes through Eve’s doors has a unique and different journey ahead of them. Samantha is also a mother to one young daughter.


Samantha consults at our Boundary Court rooms on Level 1.